Get Involved

Each year, Causewave works with more than 200 nonprofits to strengthen their organizations so they can be more effective in strengthening our community. But we can’t do it alone – we need you and your expertise!

Volunteer Spotlights 

Without the generosity of this community — the passionate people and organizations who donate time, talent, and treasure — we wouldn’t have the resources to address so many pressing issues facing Rochester today. Please consider supporting Causewave Community Partners. Your contribution is an investment in the wide range of causes we’re working on as part of the larger movement for a truly greater Rochester. 

"Albert Einstein once said that logic will get you from A to Z, but imagination will get you everywhere. Causewave has proven that for decades—by coming up with creative solutions for our community’s toughest problems. I donate to the W. B. Potter Society not just because it is a tribute to their founder, but because I am proud to be a part of a group that uses its imagination and knows how to solve problems."
Jack Kraushaar
W. B. Potter Society Chair, Lantern Award Winner ‘89, Legacy Award Winner ‘08, Volunteer 1984-present

"I left Causewave totally energized by our discussion that we had with the team today. It gave me great insight into how it feels to have a reassuring sherpa gently guide us through the challenges of wondering what we should do and how to do it. It made me think about just how many organizations depend on you to be that think partner and collaborator to solve their problems and materialize opportunities. You know I love this community and believe it truly is the 'best place to be' - your work helps make that real. Thank you so much for all that you do for our community and for doing it with humility, integrity, leading-edge thinking, and frugality. I will forever be a fan and cheerleader. "
Mary Hadley
W. B. Potter Society Member, Former Causewave employee

Each year, Causewave gives people the opportunity to donate their time and talents to make a huge difference on an issue they care about in our community. Last year alone, Causewave received nearly half a million in donated in-kind time and services from hundreds of individuals and organizations, ranging from photography, copywriting, legal services, HR, finance, advocacy, public relations, product donations, advertising, space/studio donations, market research and much more.


"As an individual, Causewave gives me the ability to work on a diverse mix of really meaningful issues. I love that I can channel my time and creativity through one organization and make a big difference in the community."
Andrew Soucier, Freelancer/Owner, Soucier Design
Provides design, art direction and copywriting support to Causewave and many other nonprofit organizations at a rate lower than his cost.


"We're thrilled to support Causewave both financially and with service support. What a great organization with a huge impact on our local community!"
Peter Platt, President, Accountable Digital, LLC
Supports Causewave and many of our nonprofit partners with digital marketing consultation and implementation support.