Get Involved
Each year, Causewave works with more than 200 nonprofits to strengthen their organizations so they can be more effective in strengthening our community. But we can’t do it alone – we need you and your expertise!
Volunteer Spotlights
Without the generosity of this community — the passionate people and organizations who donate time, talent, and treasure — we wouldn’t have the resources to address so many pressing issues facing Rochester today. Please consider supporting Causewave Community Partners. Your contribution is an investment in the wide range of causes we’re working on as part of the larger movement for a truly greater Rochester.
Each year, Causewave gives people the opportunity to donate their time and talents to make a huge difference on an issue they care about in our community. Last year alone, Causewave received nearly half a million in donated in-kind time and services from hundreds of individuals and organizations, ranging from photography, copywriting, legal services, HR, finance, advocacy, public relations, product donations, advertising, space/studio donations, market research and much more.