CONEX Takes a Different Approach to Address the Labor Shortage

The Construction Exchange of Buffalo & WNY (CONEX) is a nonprofit organization that exists to enhance the growth and prosperity of member companies by providing information, education, and communication for the construction industry. As the largest construction association in Western New York, CONEX is an influential advocate and steward for the promotion and advancement of the industry.


The significant shortage of construction workers in Western New York created a massive labor shortage that could be felt acutely across the sector, limiting the growth of both companies and the community. As a result of many factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic and outdated perceptions of the construction trade, the sector has been negatively impacted by the inability to recruit and retain a skilled labor supply. Prevailing myths about the industry have also deterred critical audiences (including women and diverse ethnicities) from considering construction as a viable profession, and the lack of younger people joining the industry further threatens the future pipeline.


Given these substantial impediments, the original intent of this project was to rebrand the construction industry in Western NY and dispel antiquated perceptions of the sector with a large-scale marketing effort. However, after conducting research and engaging with numerous stakeholders, it was determined that the development and deployment of a mass-media campaign would not yield the labor supply that the sector desperately needed right away. Rather, a strategic, creative, long-term solution was necessary to address these challenges. Causewave and CONEX developed a plan of action that capitalized on current disruptions in the workforce and provided a shorter on-ramp for new hires.

Causewave worked with CONEX to identify specific goals and measures that could be vigorously pursued to address these challenges. Causewave facilitated discussions related to specific changes needed in the field right away. In addition, CONEX identified several changes needed in the industry five years from now, from the very broad to the very specific.


The solution included both quick wins that could be implemented immediately to build momentum for jumpstarting future tactics, and additional long-term strategic improvements. This included Causewave working with the group to create an Intended Impact statement to guide employer- and employee-focused decision making.

The lead measures identified to measure progress towards these outcomes included:

  • Applicants to Workforce Placement Organizations (WPO) programs

  • Graduates from WPO programs

  • Applications to apprenticeship and youth apprenticeship programs

  • Retention rates for construction employers

Had CONEX continued with the original plan of large scale marketing campaign without benefit of the research and stakeholder co-design, it is unlikely that the efforts would have yielded the long term results they were looking for. Additionally, the industry would still have the same public perception, further limiting their ability to recruit and retain women and/or POC employees.

Causewave’s impact addressed the root cause of the problem so CONEX could move forward with a data- driven, results-based plan. Backed by extensive research including significant insight from partners in the industry, this solution is more likely to result in addressing the labor shortage challenge.

To learn more about CONEX, visit


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