Spotlight: Tim Wainwright
Volunteer Spotlight with Tim Wainwright
Can you talk a little bit about what you do?
Icon Creative first started out as Icon Films. Over the natural course of my love for filmmaking and working with clients, I developed a real knack to see projects from start to finish. The insights I’ve gained through hours on set and hours involved in creative development established a perspective that I believe benefits the final outcome. I feel blessed that I’m able to collaborate with agencies and clients early on to help mold the creative approach, and that there are people that appreciate that skill.
Are you working on any projects right now that you are particularly excited about?
A lot of my work has been very lifestyle-based with cinematography and telling a story through the camera. It might have been the lack of distractions during the pandemic, but I started to explore a new endeavor. And with that exploration, I invested in a robot-- I know that might sound crazy. If you picture a manufacturing robot that would weld a car together or paint a car, I own one of those. I’m teaming up with Flower City Studios to create a home for “Icon Robotics Cinema.” We basically put the camera on the end of this robot and I am able to program precise camera moves that repeat—I mean, to a micron—if I do a complex move around a product or a person, I can hit the button again and the camera will do the exact same move over and over again. It also whips the camera around at 27 feet per second so it’s extremely quick and really opens a whole new world of creative use of a camera.
Traditionally, in Rochester, we wouldn’t have access to something like that, so I’m pretty excited about that. Usually, it’s like a New York City or Chicago thing—now smack dab in little old Rochester!
How did you first hear about Causewave and what motivated you to get first get involved as a volunteer?
I started in this business as a studio production assistant at PCI recording in 1989. I remember doing an Ad Council spot for Volunteer Connection with John Marianetti.
Giving back is our responsibility. My dad was an episcopal minister, he and my mom both gave so much back to our entire community through their work at St Paul’s Church. I think being a person of faith has a huge impact on your sense of commitment to your community. I learned early on that the best feeling you can have at the end of a day, is knowing you shared a message that will affect another person. And that’s what volunteering at Causewave does -- we’re looking out for people in our community.
You’ve done a ton to support Causewave’s work recently, what volunteer role sticks out the most to you?
In 2020, I volunteered with Denishea Ortiz and Jacquelyn Lobel to help create a video for C.U.R.E. Childhood Cancer Association after they received the Matchstick Prize. As I worked on the project, I came to understand that it was the small things that mattered the most. A lot of the things that C.U.R.E. does can be seen as a small drop in the bucket, but the relief that it brought and its impact on the families they served was clear. C.U.R.E. is there to take care of the little stuff, so families on focus on the more important things, like the health of their child.
One of the more personal projects I was involved with was definitely the Alzheimer’s Caregivers video. My father did have Alzheimer’s, so I experienced it firsthand; seeing my mother’s commitment to my father and realizing she needed a break. The PSA tried to strike a balance between taking care of yourself and cherishing taking care of a loved one.
Why do you think Causewave’s work is important?
I think what’s important about Causewave is that they are a connector. We have so much talent in Rochester, but we have a lot of need. One of the greatest strengths of Causewave is being a place where the talent pool can get connected and help in a very efficient and effective way. To have an organization making it even easier to take care of someone else; it’s just a positive force. Truly, there is no better feeling when you do good.
What excites you most about the future of Greater Rochester?
It’s all the development happening downtown! It’s great to see people are making good decisions for our community and trying to invest in Update New York. It was devastating when the huge corporations left, but there are new sources supporting our community. We have an incredible technology base here in Rochester, and a young workforce, well-educated and ready to go for it. I know there are plenty of people that are seeing great value in Rochester and the community that’s here. That’s the exciting part.
What might be something readers are surprised to know about you?
I have thirty-seven half brothers and sisters. Buy me a drink sometime, and I’ll tell you the whole story!
How do you drink your coffee?
I’m a venti mocha cappuccino drinker. My greatest realization is that if I knew coffee was so good, I would have started in college and probably got much better grades.
Any final thoughts you would like to share?
Volunteering does not have to be incredibly time-consuming—you just need to bring your heart and your talent. And the rewards are ten-fold. A community is not a community without volunteers.
Spotlight: Norma Holland
Volunteer Spotlight with Norma Holland
Director of Public Relations & Engagement for the Office of Equity and Inclusion, University of Rochester's School of Medicine and Dentistry
Are you working on any projects right now that you are excited about?
For many years I didn't feel comfortable taking a stand on things. As a TV news anchor, I believed I should always be an unbiased observer. Now, I feel free to express my opinions in ways that I couldn't before. I have joined a book group with other women who are exploring the issue of racism through reading books together. As a group, we are asking tough questions like "What is white privilege?" As a biracial woman, my mother is from Puerto Rico and my father is half black and half white, I never really thought about these things. I grew up with bias and I've lived with people who prejudged me; I've lived with racism, but I never really examined it further. Through my more recent involvements, I've been able to more deeply look into this issue. It feels like I'm being given a chance to look back at what I previously thought and reevaluate it in ways I might not have had I stayed in journalism.
How did you first hear about Causewave, and what motivated you to get first get involved? And later become a board member?
I was introduced to Causewave many years ago when it was the Ad Council when my station manager invited me to become a board member. When I left 13WHAM, I still very much wanted to continue my involvement, and it was just natural that I would keep my position on the board.
You've done a ton to support Causewave's work recently; what volunteer role sticks out the most to you?
For me, the one that had the most impact was being a part of the Race & Media panel. I feel like Causewave was looking at an issue in our community that no one wanted to talk about. That said a lot to me that Causewave cared enough about bias in the broadcast industry to look at that issue at a time when it was not getting the attention it required. I love that Causewave was at the forefront of this issue, looking at something, quite frankly, people just don't want to look at. Rochester has an expert journalistic community, but we need to ask ourselves, "Why aren't there more people of color in newsrooms in Rochester?" Being involved in this project allowed us to look more critically at ourselves, and that was really powerful.
Why do you think Causewave's work is important? Do you have a story or an example of something with Causewave that you want to share?
I have spoken to the executive directors of several local nonprofits who say once they meet with Causewave, their eyes open to a lot of things they hadn't considered. There's a lot of great nonprofits in town that have their heart in the right place but don't have the expert skills like marketing or strategic planning.
I just feel that that's super important in Rochester. We have so many safety nets or nonprofits in our community, but nets need to be checked for holes; someone needs to make sure the knots are tied tightly. That's where Causewave comes in—to help make sure those safety nets are secure. To ensure nonprofits are prepared for success.
Do you have any thoughts or advice for other people who volunteer with us or in the community?
There are so many issues our community faces—poverty, domestic violence, breast cancer—but Causewave is working on it all. Go to Causewave if you want to see tangible results or how your work directly translates into shaping change in Rochester for the better.
What excites you most about the future of Greater Rochester?
Oh, Rochester. I feel like we don't give ourselves enough credit. I think we lament too much what we were; we like to look back. We're too nostalgic. Instead, we need to be looking to the future. We are the Flower City. Yes, we were once the Flour City and an imaging hub, but we are now the Flower City. What do we want our image to be now and in the future? I think we need to be sufficiently nostalgic but unabashedly futuristic, and I don't think we do that enough. We don't give ourselves enough credit for the things that we have developed in our city.
The future of Rochester is so bright if we can continue to see our untapped potential and use it. Just think about downtown or the riverways; we are just beginning to develop those areas. The potential is there if we continue to think about the future and what we want Rochester to be.
What might be something readers would be surprised to know about you?
What may be something that people are surprised to learn about me, hmmm… I'm an open book! But I don't think many people know I have an interest in personal finance. Years ago, I decided to get my life insurance license and have kept it current ever since. Personal finance is something that I've always been really interested in. I was 20 years old when I opened up my first stock account. I guess I'm a lover of a safety net because if you think about it, that's what insurance is. Life insurance, homeowner's insurance, car insurance— it's all to protect against future loss, future risk. I don't know why, but when the annual election for our insurance and our health insurance comes around, I love to look at all the paperwork; it gets me excited. You know the rise of health savings accounts vs. copay and what's the difference and what's better. I love it. I'm an insurance kid's daughter, and I guess I geek out at all that stuff.
How do you drink your coffee?
Oh, plenty of cream and plenty of sugar. If it doesn't taste good, why bother. Caffeine should taste good.
Any final thoughts you would like to share?
A lot of people are wishing this year would end, and it's like— no, we can't do that. Think about it, there are so many opportunities to become or change into someone or something you've always wanted, like being more socially aware or involved in the community. I think this whole experience has shown us that we are not alone and that we cannot silo ourselves in a place of comfort. We cannot hide because the world is finding us: the virus has found us, the social justice movement has found us, the environment is finding us.
But we are all in this together, and I challenge you to really open your eyes and look at your fellow man and woman differently. Don't waste away this time; make something of it.
(Photo by Natalie Sinisgalli)
Spotlight: Nan Burgess-Whitman
Volunteer Spotlight with Nan Burgess-Whitman
Qualitative Research Consultant
Can you talk a little about the work you do?
I am a Qualitative Research Consultant. That means, I analyze consumer behaviors like motivations and emotions behind buying or using services. I try to understand what target audiences need and what ads resonate with them. I’ve worked for companies all over the nation and even across the global in sectors like technology, education and health care. As you can imagine there are a lot of places that need market research.
How’d you get into market research?
That’s a good question. I never thought I would end up in market research, for a while I didn’t even know what it was. I used to work in Student Affairs at RIT and I spent a lot of time conducting group meetings with different departments and students. That’s when a friend of mine, who worked in market research, said she thought I would be a great group facilitator. It was at that point that I made the leap into market research. Since then it just snowballed, the more I learn, the more I love the field. It’s a dynamic and ever-changing environment where you get to work with a lot of different people. And funny enough, it was something I never planned to do, I fell into it.
How did you first hear about Causewave and what motivated you to get first get involved?
I was doing work in the Village Gate when I remember noticing the name change from the Ad Council of Rochester to Causewave Community Partners. I was familiar with the Ad Council but it was at that point I became more curious about Causewave. The biggest eye-opener was actually going to the Annual Celebration Breakfast, I was able to get an in-depth view of what goes on every day at Causewave. I was inspired being in a room filled with passionate and energetic nonprofits, and hearing about results from various projects Causewave worked on. I knew I wanted to be a part of it in some way whether it was a pro-bono project or volunteering at an event— I just wanted to be a part of this organization.
You’ve done a ton to support Causewave’s work recently, what volunteer role sticks out the most to you?
Recently, I’ve been hearing a lot about the Stay True 2 U campaign. People are telling me young women on local college campuses recognize and talk about this campaign, even though it has only been in the community for less than 9 months. That just solidified how much I enjoyed beginning part of the process. A lot of times, as a market researcher you don’t know what the client chooses to do with the results but with this role I was able to advise, coach and see the outcome on the other side. I loved being a part of it from start to finish!
Why do you think capacity building is important?
I feel like I am an educator at heart, I am interested and invested in seeing organizations grow beyond what they are. The world is changing so quickly and technology is hitting us in so many different ways that organizations have to look at what else they can do or how they can do it better. I love helping organizations do that. I love being able to say let me guide you through this, or let me build your capacity in market research and show you how it can continually make your organization vibrant.
Everyone has different ideas about how to make a difference in the community. What’s your philosophy?
To me education and awareness is probably number one, a thriving community is one that uses shared resources and knowledge. I recently worked with the Fast Forward Film Festival, it’s an environmental film festival in Rochester. This initiative allowed people in the arts to submit a film on environmental sustainability and shared it with the Rochester community. New initiatives like this, have the ability to educate community members and see it ripple through the community. I encourage everyone to get out and learn about something new in the community, even if it’s outside your comfort zone.
Do you have any thoughts or advice for other people who volunteer with us or in the community?
My belief is the more you give, the more you get back from the community. I encourage people to get out, volunteer for something you know nothing about and see how it opens up your world. Once you realize you like something new or that you can shed light on a new subject for someone else, it’s contagious. I believe we all have something we can give back to the community. A great place to get started is right here at Causewave, there are so many volunteer opportunities. I mean when I was going through the list, I checked all the boxes!
What might be something readers are surprised about to know about you?
I am an artist. I have always enjoyed art, it goes back in our family for decades. I’ve found it to be a great way to relieve stress, to develop my own creativity and to be inspired daily.
How do you drink your coffee?
With one Sweet’N Low.
Any final thoughts you would like to share?
Only to say thank you, to you guys! The work you do so important and so impactful. I’m just proud to be a Causewave volunteer. I am always willing to help because I feel so much of your mission from each and every one of the Causewave staff.
Spotlight: Jared Longmore
Volunteer Spotlight with Jared Longmore
Director of Advancement for Athletics, University of Rochester
Can you talk a little bit about the work you do at University of Rochester?
My current position is Associate Director of Advancement for Athletics at the University of Rochester. Most of my work is cultivating donors who can reasonably give at the major gift level over a 5-year period. The majority of my job is to build long term relationships with donors. I like to say I am in the business of creating transformational relationships rather than transactional. My ultimate goal is to try and find a project that a donor is super passionate about and funnel them towards a positive relationship with the University.
How did you get involved in development work?
I think, like most people, I kind of stumbled into development. I was at Colorado State, finishing up my graduate degree in English. A friend of mine, who was working at Foodlink told me about an open grant-writing position. I naively thought that if I studied English, I would be able to write anything, including grants. I realized that wasn’t the case but instantly clicked with the nonprofit world. About 3 ½ years ago, the opportunity to work for the U of R came up and it was an opportunity that I couldn’t refuse. As a first-generation college student, it was really important for me to be on a campus so working for one was almost like a dream come true.
The U of R has a pretty amazing reputation in Rochester. What do you think is the secret for why it’s such a successful organization?
I guess there are two parts to that. I think the reason the U of R has such a successful reputation in the community is because of its motto, Meloria. Meloria is Latin for “ever better” and the U of R lives and breathes that every day. It’s unique to find an organization so committed to its brand but it’s true that we are always trying to do better than we did yesterday. Secondly, I think the ability to grow and specialize in one area of interest adds to why people love working there. Everyone at the U of R is an expert at what they do; you are able to immerse yourself in that field. I know that has been one of my favorite things about working at the U of R.
How did you first hear about Causewave and what motivated you to get involved with us?
When I was at Foodlink, part of my responsibilities included being on the direct mail team. It’s a pretty big program and Foodlink has been quite successful in that area but we had no perspective on it. We didn’t know how we compared to others in the field and hadn’t done a deep dive into our data. Another team member and I decided to come to Causewave for a Coffee and Consult. Ultimately the conclusion was that Foodlink was doing great, and we didn’t need additional support from Causewave. I remember thinking how this was a core part of what Causewave does, but yet they’re telling us not to take their services. This was a level of expertise and integrity that I had not seen before.
Everyone has different ideas about how to make a difference in the community. What’s your philosophy?
I think people have an obligation to pay it forward. Everyone has a different skill set, by recognizing that and owning it, people can find those opportunities that allow them to use their unique abilities. For me, I am comfortable with the fundraising side of things and that’s where I think I can volunteer my skills to have the biggest impact.
You’ve been involved in two really important fundraising plans with Causewave, what sticks out to you as the most rewarding?
Honestly, both projects I worked on were really rewarding for me. I had little to no knowledge of the true role the National Women’s Hall of Fame and the Gillam Grant Community Center played in their respective communities. And when you looked closer, each organization was filled with these talented and hardworking individuals, who for the most part, are volunteers. But what made these projects so exciting was the fact that they had so much untapped potential and were so willing to listen to what Causewave had to say. I think small nonprofits don’t always realize there are simple things they can do to make themselves more efficient. Seeing first-hand how our advice was really able to make a change is pretty rewarding.
Do you have any thoughts or advice for other people who volunteer with us or in the community?
Like I said before, people have an obligation to pay it forward. Everyone can find the time to give back in some way, maybe it’s monetarily. Personally, I strive to volunteer and donate. As a W.B. Potter Society Member, I feel as though both my donations and professional skills are being put to good use. Something that’s unique about volunteering with Causewave is that there is this multiplier effect around the work you do. By working with so many organizations, Causewave is helping all of them become better and in turn, that helps those organizations serve the community better. By volunteering in that way, Gilliam Grant is hopefully a little bit better, National Women’s Hall of Fame is hopefully a little bit better and the communities they serve are hopefully a little bit better. At Causewave, you are surrounded not only by passionate, hardworking staff members but you are exposed to numerous other passionate and hardworking organizations in the community striving to make it better.
What might be something readers are surprised to know about you?
I have an underground supper club! We usually do a multi-course meal that is inspired by a part of the world. Our next dinner is French inspired.
How do you drink your coffee?
Just black. I’m pretty simple.
If you could live anywhere on this planet, where would you choose to live?
I love Rochester- but I guess that’s a pretty boring answer. There are other places that are beautiful; like when I lived in Colorado or visited Portugal. But, all of my family is in New York, so it’d be tough to leave. Rochester all the way!
Any final thoughts you would like to share?
I think people should get involved. I think people should find things they’re passionate about and should do them. Reach out and be open to new opportunities. It’s really easy to say “no” to things, but people should just try saying “yes” more often; usually good things happen!
Spotlight: Gladys Pedraza-Burgos
Volunteer Spotlight Interview with Gladys Pedraza-Burgos
Chief Operating Officer, Ibero-American Action League Inc.
How do you drink your coffee?
I liked mine with flavored cream, something sweet like hazelnut.
Can you talk a little bit about the work you do at Ibero-American Action League? Why you got involved and how long have you been working there?
Well, I’ve been involved with Ibero my whole life; my Dad was a founding member so it’s always been a big part of my life. In high school, I worked part-time and volunteered whenever I could. Before I started my current position, I was on the Board for about 7 years. Currently, I am the Chief Operating Officer and have been for just over 5 years. I’ve done so much with Ibero, it's better to ask what I haven’t done!
We have heard so much about your commitment to Rochester, specifically with the Hispanic community and the resettlement of displaced Puerto Ricans from Hurricane Maria. What has motivated you to get so involved with the community?
I think it’s my upbringing. Both of my parents valued people who worked hard, and who were courageous. They've instilled their strong values in me, not only by teaching me but by their actions as well. I was able to see first-hand how hard my Dad worked at making Ibero a meaningful organization. His strong commitment and dedication really impacted my life. Plus, I have a really good reminder to "Be the Change" when I come into work and see the Ibero mural outside our offices. It forces me to ask myself every day: Am I doing enough to make a change? (Ibero mural pictured above!)
You’ve done a ton to support Causewave’s work, including being an influential member of both the Every Minute in School Matters and Unintended Pregnancy Reduction steering committees. But what volunteer role sticks out as most rewarding?
While I have really enjoyed my time working on the Unintended Pregnancy Reduction Campaign (and I am so excited to see our hard work pays off), I have to say the most rewarding role has been working with the Every Minute in School Matters campaign. As the first person in my family to graduate high school and college, I am a huge proponent of education. I believe that the right education will pull people from poverty and into prosperity. Therefore, I see, the issue of student absenteeism as a very critical issue. Parents simply weren’t aware of the effects of missing even two days of school. This campaign is focused on educating and encouraging parents to get their kids to school. Since the beginning of its launch, I have seen a real shift in attitude towards a child’s attendance and I am so happy to have been a part of that work.
Are you working on any projects right now that you are particularly excited about?
Wow, there is so many it’s hard to pick just one. However, I am really excited about working with The Children’s Agenda, a local nonprofit that advocate for kids. We have partnered with them to ensure Rochester City School District (RCSD) provides an equal education to all its students, no matter their background. In the upcoming school year, there will be 600 new kids and we are working with RCSD to help prepare the schools for the influx of these students. Ibero and The Children’s Agenda’s main role will be to advocate for these new children.
The project I am most proud of is, the resettlement of over 3,000 displaced Puerto Ricans. After Hurricane Maria, Ibero led local relief efforts, which meant coordinating with 25 other agencies. Many Puerto Ricans were coming over through November, December and January, and as you can imagine, there was quite an adjustment period (especially with the snow). Our job at Ibero was to help these people build a new reality and settle in. We provided everything from food, shelter and healthcare providers.
Do you have any thoughts or advice for other people who volunteer with us or in our community?
Rochester is a community that is not only culturally diverse but also has a variety of life stages. We have people who are retiring, people who are in the middle of their careers, and people who are just beginning their professional journey. Volunteering provides a different avenue for each of those populations and has so many benefits. It allows you to step out of your comfort zone both professionally and personally, it allows you to live out your values, and I believe it's the most rewarding job there is. Volunteering is a way to show you care about others; it’s a way to stay connected and show your gratitude for your ability to share your knowledge. It gives you the ability to know you have made a real difference in the community. Rochester might be cold, but our community knows how to keep everyone warm!
If you could sit on a bench in a beautiful woods, who would you like sitting next to you on the bench?
Well, I would want someone who’s talkative; I don’t just want someone who is just going to sit there and not say anything! I think I would like to have my Dad, he passed away recently and he loved nature so I would love to be able to sit next to my Dad and just talk for awhile.
What might readers be surprised to know about you?
Oh! That’s an easy one, I love Star Trek! I just love the creativity and the connections between our world and theirs. They struggle with similar social problems but learned how to embrace the diversity. My dream is that we have a world like that, a world where we celebrate and appreciate what makes us unique.
Any final thoughts you would like to share?
Live long and prosper!
Spotlight: Lisa Chen
Volunteer Spotlight Interview with Lisa Chen
Principal, Lisa Chen Research Consulting
Can you talk a little bit about your work?
I’ve spent most of my career doing qualitative market research with potential customers. The research I do is typically quite detailed and in-depth — I delve into deep questions and really get to know people. My work is about revealing the narrative story to clients and solving the disconnect between the end results and the means to how we got there. Most often, this takes the form of in-person and online focus groups.
How’d you get into market research?
I first started working in Sesame Street’s research department when I was in graduate school for Developmental Psychology at NYU. In that role, I talked to a lot of two- to four-year olds to assess the appeal of characters and comprehension of the educational content.
You’ve done a ton to support Causewave – what motivates you to be involved?
I love the causes that Causewave is behind. In particular, I care a lot about diversity and inclusion initiatives — it was the focus of my studies and I wrote my dissertation on racial/ethnic socialization among Chinese immigrant families. That’s why I got involved in the Race and Media project, which I believe is going to make an important impact when the study results are announced.
In recent years, I’ve realized I also need to consider taking on leadership roles; that it’s not always enough to be a committee member. I take my Causewave work and my board position at www.RochesterKids.org very seriously. I try to look towards the future and think about what mark I want to make with my social justice work, and so that’s why I step up.
Capacity building is at the core of all our projects. Our Senior Program Manager Stacey Saracene said you recently helped to build our own team’s capacity by training her in how to organize a focus group. Why do you think capacity building is important or why you enjoy it?
For years I’ve worked in a small boutique firm where I rarely have the opportunity to mentor any more. I love being around young, vibrant people, so I miss that. Plus, that was for the Diversity of Opportunity (DO) Partnership, an important project gathering feedback from urban and suburban parents about new opportunities to increase the socioeconomic and cultural diversity of the city schools.
You’ve done a ton to support Causewave’s work lately, including focus groups RCSD, Student Attendance Initiative, Hillside Foster Care, an Opioid Prevention Project. Do any of those roles stick out as particularly rewarding?
Carly Layton from Hillside followed up after the Foster Care project and let me know how successful that campaign was in attracting new foster parents. Typically when conducting a research study, I don’t get to hear the final results or impact of the research. Learning about the people who foster children in our community gave me a whole new outlook on parenting. How does a person take in six foster kids when I can’t even get mine to soccer on time? It’s incredible what foster parents do by opening their hearts and their homes.
What might readers be surprised to know about you?
One day I think it’d be fun to see if I could pull off being a blond.
Spotlight: Sara Wallace
I think of Butler/Till as a media planning company. What does that mean and how do you describe your role there?
Media is such an interesting term…it makes a lot of people think of print ads or the ads they see on Facebook. As part of the Account Team, it’s our responsibility to tell our clients and our partners what we can really bring to the table. It’s not just that we can buy this print ad or that digital ad for you – it’s using media to spread the right message in the right places at the right time and making smart decisions in the future based on the insights we gain.
Butler/Till has a reputation as a great place to work. What do you think is the secret sauce?
The reason why I came here was the culture. I knew I wanted to be around good people, who are highly motivated and want to make the organization stronger. Part of why Butler/Till is like that is because the interview process focuses on how candidates will add the the culture. Once we're on board, we're an employee-owned company, so everything we do directly affects the business, no matter your title. The leadership here does a great job talking about that and attributing every achievement to their entire team.
You’ve volunteered (a ton) with us both as a representative of Butler/Till and as an individual. What made you want to become so involved?
At Butler/Till one of our principles is to step up and not out. It doesn’t just apply to our internal work here, it speaks to reaching out and investing in the Rochester community as well. One way I do that is by participating in projects with Causewave. When moved here in 2015, I wanted to get more involved because I’m not originally from Rochester. I needed to learn more about this community and understand what Rochester is so I was asked to consider the board position. Originally it was to get a better feel for everything, but now it’s become something that just feels good to be a part of.
The media landscape is always changing. How do you keep up?
I was recently out on maternity leave for 12 weeks. On my first day back at work, I sat in on a conference call. After about 20 minutes I got up and walked out. I was so overwhelmed about how much had changed in just 12 weeks. Audiences shifted and the information you can pull from platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn had changed. You can never sit back...keeping up is a constant project. What helps, is that on every team here, we have designated experts who dedicate time monitoring new trends and act as resources to catch the rest of us up. I also subscribe to a boatload of newsletters and spend 15 minutes in the morning to skim them.
Anything else going on in your life right now you want to share?
I had a baby girl four months ago, so that’s definitely the biggest thing going on in my life right now. It has completely changed me in a lot of ways I didn’t expect. There’s a lot going on in the world right now, and having a girl in particular has made me think about what kind of woman I want my daughter to become and what I can do to lead by example. I have a real opportunity to stay involved, get more involved, and then be able to get my daughter involved too. I want her to learn about giving back and staying true to her beliefs and accepting of others.
Spotlight: Elizabeth Chatterton
We recently sat down with Liz Chatterton to chat about her work, volunteer service, and of course, beer advice:
M: Can you talk a little bit about what you do?
E: I’m a copywriter by trade. I work with The Zimmet Group on all kinds of communications writing. We primarily do training and development work and e learning. So, I work on whatever writing needs to get done here. It comes in many different forms.
M: How did you first get involved with Causewave?
E: I’m originally from Rochester, but I lived in Buffalo for six years after college. I was very involved in the Advertising Club there and really enjoyed being a part of that larger marketing community. When I moved back to Rochester, I wanted to get involved and found Causewave. It seemed like a great fit, because it offers a chance to combine volunteering and my professional life.
M: You’ve done a ton to support Causewave’s work lately, including participating in our event committee, attending various strategic roundtables, and leading fundraising efforts and events. Do any of those roles stick out as particularly fun or rewarding?
E: Last summer, I helped with the Join the Wave Indiegogo campaign. There was some added pressure because we had a specific goal and it was important to meet it, but that just made it more rewarding, once we were successful.
M: Well our team is so excited to see all that work and the generous contributions come to life in the construction.
M: Everyone has different ideas about how to make a difference in the community. What’s your philosophy?
E: I try to pick causes that are relevant to me personally. I’ve volunteered with Gilda’s Club in the past because a lot of people in my family were impacted by cancer, including cousins who lost their mother when they were very young. So, it was important to me to volunteer with Gilda’s programs for kids. That was an amazing experience, but at the same time I also want to think about how I can make the biggest impact. I have certain talents – so while I loved playing air hockey and coloring, my time is limited and I feel like I can make a bigger impact using my professional skills to make a difference.
M: Are there any personal projects you’re working on right now that you’re excited about?
E: I’m currently working on my first book. It’s a collection of human-interest stories that are particularly relevant to the Rochester community. I’m working on the details now, so stay tuned. I’m also planning an upcoming comedy night fundraiser to benefit the Every Minute Matters Initiative. I think it will be a fun way to support a good cause – and it’s a little bit different than some of the other events coming up.
M: I’ve heard you’ve a beer aficionado. Is there anything you’ve tried recently that you’d recommend?
E: I like to support local breweries as much as possible – and Switftwater and Stoneyard are two of my favorites. The Swiftwater DIPA, Brah is delicious, if you like citrusy IPAs.
M: What might readers be surprised to know about you?
E: It’s generally surprising to people that I worked in the beer industry for seven years. I probably know more about beer than most big, burly, bearded men. That’s unexpected.
M: Any last thoughts you’d like to share?
E: This seems like a pivotal time for our country and I’ve gathered that a lot of people are looking for ways to make an impact. It’s a great time to get involved in an organization that’s important to you - or step up what you’re already doing. It might seem like a small thing, to volunteer your time but if everyone does these small things we can make some big changes.
-March 8 Interview with Marta Driscoll and Elizabeth Chatterton
Spotlight: Steve Marikos
We recently met with Steve Marikos to learn about his experience partnering with Causewave:
Can you talk a little bit about what you do?
When you boil it down, I’m a small business owner. I’m an insurance agent, though I like to say I’m in the protection business. We protect personal property, and offer life insurance, retirement assets, and voluntary workplace benefits.
In November, I celebrated my 40th anniversary with Allstate. I’ve worked since I was 9 years old and I’ve only had 2 employers: my dad’s restaurant and Allstate.
How did you first get involved with Causewave?
A few years ago, when the Allstate Foundation first considered sponsoring the local Distracted Driving Initiative, they asked me if I wanted to get involved with the steering committee. Since then, I’ve remained involved with the committee and secured funding through the Allstate Foundation each year.
You support our work in a lot of ways – as a Potter Society member, corporate supporter, and even as a Summer Smash bartender. Is there a project that has been most rewarding?
I like the Distracted Driving committee's effort to raise awareness and change behaviors with high schoolers. Getting schools to require distracted driving education before they can get a parking pass is great. I hope this can eventually become universal.
What causes are you most passionate about?
Recently, the causes I’m focused on are domestic violence (physical and financial), distracted driving, and veterans. Before I bought the insurance business, I volunteered regularly at the art gallery at Otto’s House, a part of the Veteran’s Outreach Center. I’m not a veteran, but I appreciate everything they’ve done. I’m really looking forward to getting more involved when I retire.
Do you have any thoughts or advice for other people who volunteer or support our work?
Rochester has a lot of challenges. The best thing to get engaged in is a cause you have a real passion for. If you’ve got a passion for it, it won’t feel like a burden, it will actually fuel you. Rather than spread yourself thin across a lot of causes, I’d say find a few and stick with them until you make a difference.
How do you take your coffee?
I’ll drink just about any kind of coffee (or beer). I’m not high maintenance when it comes to that.
Spotlight: John Myers
Can you tell us a little bit about Myers Creative Imaging?
We’re a full service imaging company, doing both stills and motion. Having been around for close to 30 years now, we can help people who come to us with an idea develop it into a fully fleshed creative concept.
How did you get involved in volunteering with Causewave?
I think my first project was the Austin Putters Golf Tournament sometime in the late 1990s. Back then, many agencies would bring me in directly so I didn’t necessarily know the staff at The Ad Council or the details of what they were working on. I then helped with creative for events many years, including the Mad Magazine concept in 2003, Golf to the Xtreme in 2004, and this year’s inaugural Summer Smash.
You’ve partnered with us on a long list of projects. It there one that’s been most rewarding?
The videos I’ve been working on for the Join the Organ Donor Registry initiative the last few months have been really impactful. It’s been great to have the opportunity to share stories of local people whose lives have been saved by receiving an organ transplant. And the team at Finger Lakes Donor Recovery are so passionate about expanding the registry to save more lives– they’ve been wonderful to work with.
We notice you’ve got a special knack for making people feel comfortable in front of a camera. How do you do it?
It’s always been important to me that the studio is a welcoming place that people actually look forward to coming to. We try to keep that consistent in everything we do, from having an inviting space, to how we make everyone who comes to the studio feel at home. Even people who’ve been in front of the camera many times can get stiff and need help letting their authentic self come through.
How do you take your coffee?
I like to say I’m naturally caffeinated so I don’t drink coffee to keep me going during the day. That said, I’m Italian and enjoy a nice espresso with dinner. When I do drink coffee, I like a quality brew. I even bought a Royal Dutch Coffee maker on a trip to Belgium once. It’s amazing – look it up on YouTube.
Do you have any advice for other people who volunteer with us?
I’ve been tremendously fortunate in this life. As I get further into my career, what’s important to me is giving back to the community that has been so generous to me. As creatives we have a special opportunity to make a difference in our community because we have the ability to move people. We have to use our talents to give back.
Spotlight: Paul Infantino
This spring, Paul Infantino began volunteering with us.
He brought 20 years of experience assisting over 15 local and national nonprofit organizations, and offered to volunteer a couple hours each day to help with administrative projects. Paul also has years of experience with Salesforce, the CRM tool we use.
In the past few months, Paul has been a huge help on internal projects that are making us more efficient and effective. He has also volunteered at several of our events, including our Annual Celebration and Nonprofit Workshop Series.
Paul’s deep commitment to improving our community is inspiring. We’re lucky to work with him and incredibly thankful for all of his support!